“Does anyone know a good Business Analyst?”
A phrase shouted by at least one person a day in the Highams office. It seems the pensions and wealth management sector is massively short on candidates at the moment.
To be honest this isn’t exactly surprising. The financial markets are experiencing widespread change and evolution as companies look to take advantage of shifts in customer preferences. Wrap and Platform skills continue to be highest in demand, with digital and UX expertise also starting to be required more often by our clients (luckily the team at Nakama London know a bit about this side of things!).
In order to continue to service our clients, Highams is also undergoing widespread change. Well actually it’s a return to focussing on our core markets, so maybe it’s better described as a rebirth.
We have a new office. We have a new set of values. We have clearly defined focus on what we will offer our clients and, better yet, our approach to sales will continue to be based on long-term relationships and excellent service. Ultimately all this 'new stuff' is going to enable us to focus on doing what we used to do best – respond quicker than the competition with better quality candidates.
In today’s market candidates want to work with employers that have the most exciting propositions, not just the highest salaries. Clients seek recruitment partners that have a defined proposition, deep understanding of their industry and can add real value, at every stage of the process. The new Highams will certainly demonstrate our ongoing ability to do that.
By refocussing on the core areas we do best, we are in an excellent position to take advantage of the high demand in the industry and offer more to our clients.
After all, as a company that has been working in this sector for over 30 years – we should have got to know a few good people in that time.
Rupert Morton - Team Leader - Wealth Management Division
If you'd like to speak to Rupert email: rupert.morton@highams.com p: +44 (0) 44 1883341144